Products Neumo-Egmo Spain

Single seat valves


The reliable separation of two process lines is achieved via the CIP/SIP capable leakage chamber of the RIEGER-double seat valve N7 (also called double chamber valve. The CIP/SIP valves control the steam inlet and condensate outlet at the leakage space.

The excellent aseptic properties are achieved by the hermetic separation of the ambient.

Rieger relies in the fruit sector e.g. yoghurt with strawberries not on the metal bellows, but on the PTFE-metal combi bellows which connects the durability of the PTFE bellows (more than 1 million cycles) with the erosion-free sealing technology of the O-ring!

This type of valve is available not only for pipes, but also for tank.

This valve is indispensable in aseptic valve clusters and aseptic filling machines, in which the highest value is placed to comprehensive product safety.
